
The first use cases of GGx is an onchain trustless orderbook and RFQ (Request for Quote) platform, leveraging our ability to do cross-chain message relaying between Bitcoin, Ethereum & IBC (Cosmos) at launch and with more chains (Tron, Solana, Ava etc.) in 2025. This RFQ platform can trade BTC against USDC (ERC-20) or any other asset on one of our selected chains within a few seconds to finality and without slippage, MEV or impermanent loss risks that AMM or DEXes inherently experience. 


Unlocking the power of the entire digital asset category over any chain

  • No AMM’s, no MEV, no counterparty risks, no slippage (with RFQ)
  • Seamless native assets trading
  • Decentralized non-custodial
  • Perfect for large ticket crosschain transfers and swaps


Unlocking the power of the entire digital asset category over any chain

  • With Liquidity multiplier across assets & ecosystem with ‘Bloomberg’ type options trading
  • Decentralized limit order-book
  • Perfect for general trading
  • Fast, secure and low cost